Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas in Chicago

Christmas is next week!  Do you like this holiday?  Why or Why not?

My husband Zak and I are going to do a lot of driving over the holiday. This is our first Christmas as a married couple.  We want to spend time with both of our families.

First, we are going to drive to St. Louis, Missouri to see my family.  I'm really looking forward to spending time with my family.  My sister had a baby in August and I'm so excited to meet my new nephew!  We are going to eat dinner at my sister's house on Christmas Eve (the day before Christmas).

After dinner, we are going to drive to Peoria, Illinois to see Zak's family. This is the first year that I am going to spend Christmas day with Zak's family.  We are going to wake up early to open gifts.  After that, we are going to eat breakfast.  At night, we are going to eat dinner with his grandparents and his aunt and uncle.   

What are your plans for Christmas?  Who are you going to see?  Where are you going to go?    What are you going to do?  Be descriptive.  Don't worry about grammar!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What happened?

What do you think happened in this picture? Why was Ronald McDonald arrested by the police?

Tell me a story about this picture in the PAST TENSE. Be descriptive. Use your imagination.

Don't worry about grammar and spelling, just WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Moving to Chicago

I moved to Chicago from St. Louis, Missouri to go to college. When I moved to Chicago, I had to pack all of my things in boxes. I called all of my friends to say goodbye. I was nervous and excited to move to a new city. I traveled in car to Chicago for five and a half hours with my father and brother. When they drove away, I was very sad. I missed my family and friends.

When I moved to Chicago, I had to leave behind a few things that I could not bring with me. I had to leave behind a car. I used the car every day in St. Louis, but in Chicago I had to use the train and bus. It is too expensive to have a car in Chicago. I had to leave behind my cat. I loved my cat so much, but there was not enough room for him to live with me in Chicago.

What are two things that you had to leave behind in your native country? Please tell me how this made you feel.