Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Today in class we started talking about employment and I would like to hear your opinions about work. Pick two to write about:

1) Do you think it is difficult to find a job in Chicago? Why or why not?

2) If you are married, do you think your husband has a good job or is he
looking for a better job?

3) Do you enjoy learning about employment in class? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I think is very difficult find a job in chicago, when don't speake english.
Tanks God, my husban has a good work, he work in the consulate of guatemala.
Yes, I'm enjoy learning about employment, is very important.

tania sanchinel

Anonymous said...

1.-It is necessary to have experience and required skill to find a job. 2.-my wife has a good job she has skill to comunicate with people and answer phone. 3.- I like learning about how find a good job, good salary and benefits
juan pineda

Anonymous said...

I think is difficult find job,because all jobs required
I think my husband has a good job.He enjoys doing his job.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't know bat maybe in not easy because Chicago is a big city and a lot of peaple come from other country and try to find work.
2. I'm not married!
3. Yes I am enjoy because I like to come in Chicago againe and next time, sure, I will need to find a job for the survival.
Nicoletta Braccioni

Anonymous said...

some place in Chicago is difficult a job, because some people dont have experience.
Yes, Iam married. I think, my husband has a good job.
Yes, I like this class, because every people have different oportunity for job.

Anonymous said...

1.no exprance and problem languge
2.yes. I'm married.yes
3.yes. becouse I need to find a jop


Anonymous said...

it is english nessesrey ,expreiont . have .yes ,my husband has txiy driver this is a good job ,her husband .yes the employment is verysempl.
ghideyg hebremedhin.

Anonymous said...

No, the job in Chicago not difficult find. Because Chicago has many location.Many people with no experience have job.
2)Yes,I am married. My husband not here He is in Rwanda.
3)Yes, I enjoy leaning about employment in class. Because some people are friends.


Anonymous said...

Because for no speak English or no experience

yes I cant,I think my wife.

yes I cant I lake learning the my friends for good food
francisco lazcano

Anonymous said...

yes for no speak english sometimes for not experience
yes for learning diferents traditiones the food
Micaela Ramos

Anonymous said...

I think that in Chicago is dificult for a job probably meny people are here.the other problen is communication for English.I like learning about job in class becose is good an aplication in diferens jobs.
Ricaurte guerrero.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is difficult because meny companies require experince.

Yes. I like enjoy learning because. I meking diferen job.

My wife is deliverperson
her job is good.

Alvaro P.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is difficult find a job in
Chicago because I don't social security,no't speak English.
My husband He good job He work
in delivery person and car washes.\

Anonymous said...

No, tre job in Chicago is difficult. not expericence not speack English.
Maria moreno