I love the weekend because I can relax at home with my husband, Zak. I can sleep longer, read the newspaper, watch T.V., go shopping, or take a nap. This is my favorite time of the week!
On Saturday, I wake up at 7:00 a.m. I take a shower and eat breakfast. I go to Truman College to teach English. The class is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After class ends, I go home to Pilsen to eat lunch with Zak. Usually, I watch a little T.V. to relax after teaching. After this, Zak and I like to clean up our apartment. We do the dishes, the laundry, and vacuum. Sometimes, we go to Target to buy different things for our apartment. We eat dinner around 7:00 p.m. On Saturdays, we like to go out to dinner. We go to our favorite Mexican restaurant near our house called Pancho Pistolas. I love the nachos and margaritas. After dinner, we either go home and watch a movie, or we go out to a bar with our friends. Usually, I go to bed at 11:30 p.m.
On Sunday, I wake up late because it is the only day that I can! I usually wake up around 10:00 a.m. I eat breakfast and take a shower. I watch some T.V. I eat lunch around 12:00 p.m. In the afternoon, we like to go to Dominick's to buy food. When we come home from the grocery store, I look at my lesson plans and grade homework and tests. I do this for a few hours. We eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. After dinner, I watch a little T.V. and plan for next week. I call my parents to say "Hello" because I think about them during the week. I try to go to bed at 11:00 p.m. so that I can wake up in the morning.
What do you do on the weekend? Think about Saturday and Sunday from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night.
on saturday i work cook,and i take laundry.on sunday i go to the cherch,and i go to restorant,i go to shapping,and i go to my husban sister home.
On saturday, i wake up at 10:00a.m. i take a shower and eat breakfast. I go the shopping to mall in Rivesaid. in the nigh watch the movies.
On sunday, i wake up at 9:00a.m., i clean up my apartment, i take a shower. I sleep everyday.
I love meet to the weekend because is relax.
On Saturday i wake up at 11h30 a.m.
Because the yestorday night i went
a club.I take shower and eat breakfast.Sometimes a call they friends for go the movies,museaum,walking in the street or shooping.at 6h00 p.m the laudry.After sometimes i watch a little t.v.I m start for the party
sometimes in the club sometimes in friends.I coming in my home at 3h00 a.m or 4h00 a.m.
On sunday i wake up late 12h00 p.m .I take a shower and eat breakfast.After my sister and my go shopping or sometimes walking in the Lake Michigan.After go to the store for the movies. we watchimg the movies take the dinner. I go to bed at 10h00 p.m.
thomas atuyer
On Saturday I wake up 9:a.m.I exercise for about 20 minutes then I take a shower and eat breakfast whith my father Pedro I watch t.v or movies I do loundry ,go to mexican supermarquets buy groseries after that I clean my apartment at 3:pm go to work 4pm. to 2:am I take a shower then I go to bed.
on SUNDAY mornig I wake up at 8:am take a shower I ca't take a breakfast because I star working at 10:am at work I do my sidework many things to do i prepare my self ofr the all day I WORK 10am to 9:pm.
then when I get home Itake a shower go to bed very very tired thas my WEEKEND GOOD BY.
Marcelo Salinas
I like Wekeend because is party time,Friday i like reding diferent book,about love histories.In the night i like play game in my cel phone,i go to smoker cigarrette and see a letler bee tv and going egain to reading my book.Saturday i wake up at 7:00am i dring my coffee and my breadfast at 8:00am i going to my clinic in west side i come back again at 11:00am,i reading all day in my book saturday and sunday i going to the church with my friend and her husband.after this come to my home againg for reading my book againg.and at 10:00pm i go a sleep.
Eppy Toledo.
On Saturday, I wake up at 7:OO .I take a shower ad eat breakfast.The shopping is from 9:OO to 11:OO a.m.The cook food in lonch for family .In after muy son y husband clean apartment ,dishes and vacuum.Eat dinner 8:00 pm .Watch a movies.I go to bed 11:00pm.
On Sunday. I up at 8:00.Usually in church com family .I eat breakfist in restaurant of Guatemala.Go shopping , can relax in Moll con family.Eat lunch at 3:00 ,In afternoo cheq homework of son .Dinner al 8:OOpm ,watch Tv.To go bed al 10:00pm.
Martha Pineda.
On saturday,I wake up 8:OO am .I take shower ,cook the food end eat breakfast .I go to the woork ,the 12:00 p.m to 12:00 a.m ,in the bus my hause 1:00 a.m the shower ,go to bed 1:00 a.m sleep .
On Sunday,I wake up 9:00 a.m late because it is no woork ,is shopping in diferent stors in food,clothes,12:00 p.m eat diner afternoo is relax the look tv .11:00 p.m is the bed sleep.
i wake up five oclock in the morning i brushe my teeth and wash my face .i prayer and read bible .i go to the church .i go home i have a breakfast with my husband. ten oclock my apartment yoga time.on saturday.
i go to the korean church on sunday after i shopping korean market and watch video,tv.i go to bed eight oclock.
jeong ja yoo.
saturday I wake up at 7:oo a.m. I take the shower I eat breakfast. I watch t.v and listen music.I Call my family.11:30 a.m.I go drive car.12:00 a.m. I enter work in the restaurant.I wuashe the dishes and peans.8:00 p.m.I dinner 12:00 middle night finish work.1:00 a.m.I go to the bed sleep.
Francisco Lazcano.
I like the weekend, becausu I clean my home, and with my son go shopping, sometimes we like go to
out to dinner chinese food, On Saturday,I wake up at 7:30 a.m. bruch my teeth at 8: a.m. I eat breakfast at 8:10 am. after we watch T.V.and I read newspaper, we like to go to the Jewle's by food.
When we come home at 12:00p.m.I eat lunch aroun 12:30 p.m.I like go to with my classmate talking english and go to store.
On saturday, I wake up at 4:40a.m. I take a shower and drink coffee.I go to a Church. The worship is 5:30a.m. to 6:30. After worship ends, I go home to more sleep 1hours~2hours. Sometimes, I go to bakery shop to eat early breakfast with friends.I love the croissant and capuccino. I go to walk the park at11:00a.m. And then,I go to home eat lunch at 1:00p.m. I clean the aprtment and go to laundry room.
sometimes, I go to a shopping.I usually go to Marshall and TJ Max to buy clothes,shoes. I have a dinner 7:00p.m. After diner, I watch a TV, or I send to e-mail in Korea to my friends.I go to sleep at 11:00p.m.
ON Sunday, I wake up at 7:00a.m. I drink coffee and take a shower.
I go to a church at 9:00a.m. After worship ends, I care children in the church. I eat lunch at 12:30p.m. And then, I go to Dunkin drink coffee with friends.We are talk with our each other diffrent life. Sometimes, We go to favorite Thai restaurant at 6:00p.m. I love nuddle and frid-rice. After dinner I come home at 8:00p.m. I watch the T.V. and study English. I go to bed at 1:00p.m.
sun kim
Ilike saturdey because I can relax more time the morning, I take sawer and breakfast,clean the apartament and prep for a working the time star at 4.00 pm to 1.30am go to the bed at 2.00am.sonday sleep to mach time 11.00 kerap take sower and breakfast,I watch tv or go to the shopping.sometimes I eat dinner in restaurant or called for one pizza.
I love tre weekend because I can relax at home. I wake up at 8:oo for eight week. I brush my teeth. I brush my hair. I wake up my daughters. I aet breakfast for my daughters for me drink coffee at 8:30. I go home at 8:45. I go to laudromat at 9:30. I pick up in tre school at 12:00 p.m. I aet lunch. 1:00 p.m. I clean tre home. I wach TV. I dinier at 7:30 p.m. I clean tre kitchin. 8:45 p.m. I take shower 9:00 p.m.I go to tre bed 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, I wake up late 10:00 A.m. I brush my teeth. I drink for me. I aet lunch. I wash tre dishes. I clean tre floor.I wach TV. I aet dinner. I clean tre home. I take shower. 10:00 pm. I BRUSH my teeth. I go to tre bed 11:00 pm. Maria Moreno
I love the Weekend because I can relax at home.and Saturday I wake up at 10:00 a.m.I am take shower and the fenish brush my teeth.I eat
food 12:00.p.m and clean the home and wach t.v and relax.and Sunday wake up 8:00 a.m brush my teeth and go tha laundromat 1:00 p.m. go tha home I eat food 1:20 p.m I am play with my son in my home 2:oo p.m. 4:00 p.m. watch t.v.7:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m. I read the books my son 9:00 brush my teeth end go the bed p.m. Rosa Conde.
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