Today you are going to look at a website that is like the classifieds in a newspaper. You can search many different areas of work such as "Hospitality" or "Administration". Or you can type in the name of a job you are interested in. Do you want to find a job as a waitress? Type the word waitress in the search box. After you finish the job search handout, please answer the following questions.
1. What is the position?
2. What is the name of the company?
3. What are the responsibilities?
4. Is it full-time or part-time?
5. Do you like this job? Why or why not?
Please read your classmates' posts. Next, you can do a reading exercise or a listening exercise by clicking on a link on the right. If you want to practice typing or go to the picture dictionary ask Joanna to help you.
i wahant job hair cut & hair stylists. company name is soni salon. they need 1 year exp doing color & cut updo perms services. ineed part time job it part time. 20 hours in a week. they need resume. i like this job.
syeda jafri.
I fine job Mad science because.
I like the children and I like my
new job the preschool instructor.
My new responsibilities is one-hour
after school science and. I am work
only part-time.I like this.
I lake a job because, my job is fany.Iam play to kits ,a runnirg an pintig, diferent work.I jave good benefits,good houras.I lake my job my is Day Cara.TERESA PEREZ
I found a job Hairstlist.The company name is Barber shop.The responsibilities is Cut Hair.This job is part time .Need hour is morning 7 to 12 am.The more informations call 630-267-3939. Yes I like this job.
Saraswati Panthee
About.com reports that employers and recruiters use these 3 sites to find candidates.
www.linkedin.com (networking)
www.careerbuilder.com (large job board)
www.realmatch.com (matches you to jobs)
Whole Top 10 list here:
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