Welcome to Level 2. I am happy that you are studying with us and I hope you are enjoying the wonderful spring flowers we have all over Chicago now.
This is a website where you can practice writing, reading, listening and grammar. Joanna will teach you how to use it. This week, I want you to write an introduction. After you are finished writing your introduction, read your classmate's introductions. Here is my introduction.
My name is Robbin. I am an English teacher and I have been teaching for 10 years. I am from the United States. My hometown is Holt, Michigan and it is small. Now I live in Chicago in the Uptown neighborhood. I am not married and I don't have kids. I have a cat and her name is Sophie. My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate and my favorite food is pasta. My favorite color is blue because it looks like the ocean and the sky.
Now you get to write. Please answer these questions:
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live now?
4. If you have a job, what do you do?
5. Are you married?
6. Do you have kids?
7. What are their names and how old are they?
8. What is your favorite food?
9. What is your favorite color?
10. What do you want to learn in English class?
Have fun!
1.-My name is America Yanez.
2.-I am from Mexico (Guadalajara,Jalisco).
3.-Now I live in Chicago in the Hollywood Park neighborhood.
4.-Yes. I do. Clean.
5.-I am married.
6.-I have two kids.
7.-Their names Guillermo is 10 years old, and Alexis is 8 year old.
8.-My favorite food is Mexican (chilaquiles).
9.-My favorite color is black and red.
10.-To be independant.
My name is jeannette.I am student english.I am from the mexico.Now i live in chicago. I am yes married and I yes have 3 child.I name is esli,Isai and Nayeli.My favorite food is mole.MY favorite color is white because it purity.The learn in Eglish class is good.
1.-my name is may.
2.-I from ecuador.
3.-I live in chicago.
4.- I not job. I study.
5.- no, I am.
6.-no, I do.
7.-mayra alejandra but say MAY
8.-my favorite food is chinese food, pizza and orange juice.
9.-my favorite color is blue, black,pink and white.
10.-to learn more grammar and reading and more practice talking.
My neme is Esmeralda
Im from mexico
Im leven in chicago
Im no working
Im not merrid
Im have two children They name are Bryan and Alberto
My fiver food is chainis food
My fiver color is biack
I Can leaning more.
My name is Faik. My ocupaichen
is economest. In United States I
am Supervaizer.I am is Kosova.
Now I live in Chicago. My favo-
rite flavor of ice crem is is van-
ela. My favorite food is beef me-at. My favorite color is gree, be-
acause it looks like montayn.
I am married. I have 3 cheldren
Besian 24 yers
Albina 18 yers
Anila 15 yers
Yaur favorite food is pasta.
Yaur favorit color is blue.
I do you learn in English class
beacaus I have job,dactor apoi- tment, go to supermarket ect.
Faik Bicurri
My name is Jessie. I student English. I am from Honduras. Now live in Chicago. I merried and I have one son his name is Anthony and hi is 21 months.I don't have pet.I dom't have job.
My faborite food is soup and chicken, my favorite color is pink and white because is cute
I want to learn vocabulary, to read to write grammar...
My name is ana marin.I from in mexico.I live in chicago ill.I not working.I am stady.not i am married.no i do kids. My name is Ana but say Ani. My favorite food is chinese food.Mycolor favorite color is white and black. I to learn reading,to understandanc to write. Ana marin
my name is Tomas.
my addres is 4902 n. rockwell
I m from mexico.
stey is Jalisco.
i am stary inglsh in post a commento on leaf esl level 2
my teacher is very nice
she hos 10 yers for esperice.
she is from. Michgan.michigan is
very nice country.
no, dont have a job.
i am study inglesh.
yrs, i a m. married.
yes, i do. i have 2.
My name is berhane,I am happy for You ,I am foom Ethiopia Myhometown is hoit I Im marrid 3 cits 1 dader aed 2son,I have 1 Dog My cantri,My favorite color is chcolate aed eingera tibs,
My name is norbella.I am from Mexico.Now I live in Chicago in the Sauganash neighborhood.I no work. I am merrit and I have 2 kids is name Nelson 8 Years old and Alejandra 5 Years old. My favorite food is enchiladas.My favorite color is red. My superation.
my neme is maria i am from ecuador i am live in chicgo for 10 yers i am like my family iam happy like spring flowers and animals hve all over chicago iam happy studying to level 2 i hope practice
i felix robledo i am from mexico i live in chicago for 10 years yes l am married l have 3 childrens and one voy angel baleria jimena natalie l like mexican food
my name is maria
I from mexico
I live in chicago
I not have job
Yes I have four chldrennn
Natalie nine year old.Jimena eight year old Valeria three year old and Angel 9 months my favorite food is chainese food
My favorite color is blue a want the talk teacher
My name is maria.
I fron mexico.
I live in chicago.
I not have job.
Yes I have two children one dauther end one boy.
My dauther name is fransi shi have five year old. my son name is mario he have ten year old.
My favorite food is chainise.
My favorite color is black end red.
Y to learn practice writing end speak inglis
Maria hernandez
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