This week, we are talking about jobs. I am an ESL teacher. I like my job because I meet students from different parts of the world. Sometimes, my job is difficult because I do a lot of planning and grading. My favorite part of my job is helping students learn English so they can meet their goals: finding a job, going back to school, helping their children with their homework, going to a doctor's appointment, and calling 911. Now, work with a partner and ask your partner these questions and write the answers. Remember to sign your names.
Do you have a job? Remember - being a parent is a job.
What do you do everyday?
What do you like about your job?
What don't you like about your job?
If you don't have a job right now, did you have a job in the past? You can write about it in the past tense. When both of you are finished, click on the links on the right and practice the things we practiced in class today and last week.
Lidia is a stay at home mother. She cleans, cooks, and helps her children. She shops on the weekends. She does laundry. She likes everything. Sometimes she is tired, but it is good.
Robbin and Lidia
Victorino have was job in mexico.he was cashier after a general auxiliary.he study everyday.he likes all.
olga and victorino.
Alejandra is a mother,no she does"nt job,she goes to school,cleans her hause,she cooks,she like to see her house clean.
Janet perfecto
kiseok cho- Amgel gomez
Amgel said "Amgel was work his company at 15years. He was assembler for computer's mouse in the company."
Amgel said "he was studying english everyday. Sometimes he worked garage."
Amgel said "Amgel like his last job. because he earned many money." Amgel said "His bos was bad. because his boss pushed him."
beronya is student. she does home work.she clens she cooks she helps her mather she takes shower she calls her friends she exsercies. she is learn english she doesnt like writer words.
belet and beronya
Maria is stay at home mother. now is student english. She cleans, she cooks, she going to the laundry, she care their grand son's too. She go to shoping the weekends. She like pick up his son. She like helping their children with the homework.
She don't like clean every day. she don't like wash the dishes every day. she doesn't like to walk the dog.
Maria and Rolando.
Olga is stay at home mother.She study english,clean the house and cooks she help you children.She likes go to the landrymat.She don't likes cooks.
Victorino and Olga
Faik have a job he was working on Devon Market. He is working partime.
He work three day a week. He returs
costumer things because most costumer not many for paid or forged deved or credic card. He like his job. He like everything.
Faik and Lidia
Maria is a stay at home mother.she cleans cooks weekends.she does laudry and chopen.she likes the moder.she dont you heavy day
Bella and Maria
Bella is a stay at home mother she cooks,cleans,helps their children and the weekends she go to chop and she go to the laundry.but she don,t like everiday clean the hose and their children no, underten her.
Bella and Maria
belat is a studaent she is studying, she cooks she wash the diashes she reads, and she does her homework she likes evrything.
Beronya and Belet
Janet is a mother,no she does a job,she cleans her house,she take care her child,she cooks,she pik up her daughter 2:45 o'clack,she like clean her house.
Alejandra carreras.
Janet is a mother,no she does a job,she cleans her house,she take care her child,she cooks,she pik up her daughter 2:45 o'clack,she like clean her house.
Alejandra carreras.
Muamera go the school every day,she clean the house every day,she go the park with your hasband,she like everything with your job.
Lucia is a mather.Lucia evry dey cam the school,She help yor children,She clean your hous.She cook evri day.She wolk evry day 30 minits.She like evriting with your job.
Amgel gomez-Kiseok cho
Cho said "he had a job last time.his job was toy company manage."
Cho said "i was studing english from monday to friday. i rode my daugher for after school from monday to friday. i went to church form saturday to sunday."
cho said "he earned many money and very excited his job."
Cho said "his job worked long time from 9 a.m to 10 p.m."
Rolando is living in chicago for 4 monsths he doesn't work, but he was working in Mexico city.
he likes to study he likes to draw.
Lidia, ai am stay home mather.
Lidia everyday kuk, klen, help her
children. To taims a uweek go to
landre. She likes evrethenk.
Lidia and Faik,
Tomas he workS machine operero. He works every day .He workS 12 hours one day.He works 30 years .He likes his job .Now he studies english monday to friday .He has one son and one daughter.He is bussy every day. Every day pick up his daughter to school .
Tomas and Kieu.
kieu she works nail she works every day
she Iikes her job. she studies English.
monday to friday.she has 2 children .his name is tan and her name is han .she get home .she cleans the house ,she cooks,and she takes a shower for children.she very bussy every day .
Kieu and Tomas.
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