I moved to Chicago in 2006. I left Michigan in the summer. The weather was hot and humid. I said goodbye to my friends and family the day before I moved. I was very sad to say goodbye, but I was excited to move to a new city. The day before I moved, my father and my friend helped me pack the truck with my furniture. The next day, my father and my brother drove with me to Chicago early in the morning. It took 2 and a half hours to drive. After we arrived, we moved my furniture into my new apartment. It took me 3 days to organize my apartment, but I was comfortable after I finished.
Now write about when you moved to Chicago. Remember to use past tense. When you are finished, you can practice reading, listening, or grammar with the links on the right. Or you can use the picture dictionary program or practice typing.
I moved the u.s. in 2001 I life in chicago and please goberment I need, all people need public programs. so I tink is mor nesesary you put litle up the takses. to you nat cut the public programs because all comiunity need this programs... Gerardo Vega...
I moved to chicago in 2008. I saw first the downtown. It was beautiful. But the weather was fall. I said goodbye to all my family when I moved to these country. The week before I moved I went on vacationes with my husband and my douther. After I finished the vacationes my father drove for two hrs to airport the Mexico City. We were very sad, because we didn't want to come here.
Melanie Tinoco...
my arrived to chicago in 2004 i get in the sumer i said good bye to may family i was excited to new country may father helped me paks in the bus i bought new furniture it took one week to organize my aparment before not liked chicago now i like chicago i like the neighborhood
When I move to Chicago i was in october 1985 my son came wiht me I said goodbye to my parents the day before I moved. My father and mother helped me wiht my suad case the aeroplen flwe 7 ahors. I went arrive my inpression of Chicago was.nise bicause tha city was big but is cold. Maria Molina.
I moved to the U.S. in 2003. I left Mexico in the summer. The weather was hot and humid. I said goodbye to my mother and my sisters the day before I moved. Iwas very sad to say goodbay my mother but I was happy because I see to my husband I traveld for 3 days on the bus to my city from to board then I traveld plane for 4 huors to Chicago.
Maria Reyes
I moved to u.s in 2009. I left lebanon in the spring. The weather was warm. I said goodbye to my friends and family the day before I moved. I was very sad to say goodbye, but I was excited to move a new city. The day before I moved, I packed my clothes. The next day, my brother drove with me to airport early in the morning. It took 14 hours to fly. After I arrived, I moved my fourniture into my apartement. It took me 2 days to organize my apartement, but I was comfortable after I finished.
I moved to chiago in 2003. I left Syria in january 11. I came with my husband. I brough cheese and hony and my clothes. when came to chiago the weather it very clod and have snow.
samra younan
I move to Chicago in 2008. Before left in Florida. I was prepared back pack. When I arrived in Chicago winter was season. I said goodbye my friend. I come alon 2:40 hours did my travel I bring back pack only.When I arrived saw my brother and cousin.
I moved The U.S. in 1997 . I moved in the summer. I prepared for 2 dais. I say goodbye my mather with my brothes. she came with mi her name is angelica.I trabel 20 hours .I don.t bring naten.I see neu pepols. I impression of the english.
luis gonzalez.
I moved dhe u.s. in 2oo1. my arrived in chicago in wither. ay prepare one mont. ay goodbye an may father and may mother. I came one fren in may travel five hours. my bring bakpak.
luis luz
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