Tuesday, July 27, 2010

BART Strike

Please talk about the following questions with your partner. 1. How did you get to school today? 2. How long did it take you to get to school today? 3. Do you ever take the bus or train? 4. Did you ever experience a strike in Chicago or your country? 5. Why do workers go on strike? 6. In your opinion, should workers who serve the public go on strike? Now click on the link on the right and read the article called "BART Strike". When you are finished the exercises, return to the blog and write your answers to the conversation questions.


Anonymous said...

1. My husband drove me school.
2. five minutes
3. yes I did.I took sometimes bus.
4. No I didin't.
5. Because not insurance me.
6. I think sometims good,sometims bad Mine Karatas

Anonymous said...

1. I got to school today by bus. 2. 20 minutes I got it today.3. Yes, I do. 4. Yes,It did. 5. Because pay very small.6. Yes,It good.

Anonymous said...

I drove my car. I did 10 minutes. I always drive my car. I never had a experience of a strike in Chicago or my country. I think what the workers went a strike because they wanted more money, more insurens, etc.

Carmen Valdes.

Anonymous said...

I robe a bike .I did 30 minutes .Sometimes take the bus. I never had experience of a strike.I think what the workers went to strike.Becouse they want more money and insuras.


Anonymous said...

1. Idrove.2.Itook15m.3.no.4.no.5becueseyou needmoormane.6.no.


Anonymous said...

1. got waoked to school
2. at long 5 mines 3. i toke bus smetame 4. yes i swa experince in syria to 5 becos i neid maro strike 6. i should a good worker


Anonymous said...

1. I walked .2 . 1o minetes. 3.some times .4. no. I didn't .5. becuose they pay les monye .6.yes it good.

Albart Y. Barcham

Anonymous said...

1. I drove.
2. It took 30 minutes.
3. no i dont.
4. yes i did
5. yes i did/.
6, no good.


Anonymous said...

1. i walk 2.45 mi 3.no idont 4.i did experince acident my contry 5. the work more mony


Anonymous said...

I was economist at the bank. I worked at the counter. I talked with many people and gived them instructiones how deposited money. Every day I talked and tiped on the computer. My favorite part of the job was spoke with people. My dream job was worked on the riception in the hotel,because very interesting.

Zorika Dukic